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The Defence force White Paper is on its way to be realized as a policy, after passing its first approval test.

The National Security Advisory Council approved the policy last month, enabling it to go back to the Defence Council, for presentation to the National Security Council.

It will then go to the Defence Minister for submission to Cabinet for final endorsement, before its launch.

PNG Defence White Paper 2013 Team Leader, Lieutenant Colonel Siale Diro says, they are now waiting for the N-S-C and Cabinet's consideration.

"Prime Minister and the Minister (Defence) were obviously away last week.

"We are waiting for the Minister to return from his trip to Israel, and then it (DF White Paper) will progress through the National Security Council and the NEC.

"Once it has gone through both and ratified, then we will launch it.

"That's where its at right now," Lt. Colonel Diro said.

The Defence policy which has over 10 chapters, covers among others, welfare issues of both male and female soldiers, recruitment to increase manpower, acquiring weaponry and other capabilities for land, air and naval elements and infrastructure. 

There's also consideration for P-N-G's involvement with the United Nations Peace Keeping Mission.

The country's last Defence policy, was in 1999.

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