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Bad drugs from India: Report

Most bad drugs used in Papua New Guineans are from India. This is according to a report compiled by a team of experts from the Institute of Medical Research states that most of the 37 samples of drugs that failed the chemical content analysis test were manufactured in India.

As part of the team’s study 360 unexpired samples were collected from 60 medical providers and tested for chemical analysis content, they found that 37 of the samples or 10.3 per cent failed the test.

Most of the 37 samples that failed the test were made in India according to the confidential report. The remaining failed samples came from China (4) and Indonesia (1). The 37 failed samples originated from nine different manufacturers, comprising five from India, three from China and one from Indonesia.

The National Department of Health Secretary Pascoe Kase yesterday said the report was for internal consumption by its malaria program and should not distributed publicly.

"The report of findings from the study of the quality of medicines has given us the evidence we need to advocate for increase resources to ensure our people are being treated with quality medicines," he said in a statement yesterday.

PNG Today/Post Courier 

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