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Prime Minister Hon. Peter O'Neill has called on all illegal occupants of public land sites to take note that the National Capital District will implement compulsory land acquisition measures to retrieve land, which were illegally acquired in the past.

A Land Trust has been set up by the NCD Governor , Powes Parkop, and his colleague MP's to retrieve these land sites for recreational purposes.

Prime Minister Hon. Peter O'Neill said this is a Pilot Project to be implemented initially in Port Moresby and then later in other parts of the country.

"This decision was made by the government to establish public recreational parks for our residents to enjoy their leisure time," Prime Minister Hon. Peter O'Neill said.

He said it is important that the government set up quality parks for our people to take walks and spend time outdoors with their families.

Prime Minister Hon. Peter O'Neill was applauded and thanked by Mr Parkop for this important initiative along with other interventions the National Government has undertaken in the nation's capital.

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