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Papua New Guinea has just signed off on yet another important document with its business custodian, the Independent Public Business Corporation, to properly and effectively manage all its State Owned Enterprises.
 The document, referred to as the "Charter of Good Governance" was signed at Parliament House this morning, between Minister responsible Ben Micah, IPBC's Managing Director Wasantha Kumarasiri and all S-O-E Chairman's, witnessed by their Chief Executive Officers.

 Minister Micah took the opportunity to crack the whip on non-performing CEO's of SOE's, warning they either shape-up or ship-out.
 Charter of Good Governance, a document believed would transformed the operations of State Owned Enterprises, as their current functions never met the government and peoples expectations in terms of the kind of services they provide.
 Minister Ben Micah at his keynote address says the document was formulated upon his request to properly articulate the respective roles and functions of SOE's and the IPBC as he sighted issues amongst them, since he became the minister.I
 Meantime, all Chairman's of SOE signed a declaration to commit themselves to ensure their CEO's perform to the expected standards.

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