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Parkop challenges Port Moresby MPs to help improve city


Parkop challenges Port Moresby MPs to help improve city
THE Governor of the National Capital District Powes Parkop has challenged the other two Members of Parliament to lift their performance to help improve the city.

Mr Parkop has appealed to the Member for Moresby North-West who is also the Health Minister Michael Malabag and North-East MP Labi Amaeu to lift their performances because development in the city was one-sided.

"I am challenging both them to lift, so that they can perform like the Minister and Member for Moresby-South to help improve the image of our city."

He was speaking during the cheque presentation of the Technical Vocational Education Training (TVET) scholarship scheme for the Moresby-South students at Don Bosco Technical Institute (DBTI).

A total of K993, 519.25 was paid to 13 technical and vocational institutions in NCD as tuitions fees funded by Governor Parkop and his Moresby-South MP Justin Tkatchenko.

They include Don Bosco Technical Institute (K54, 081.50), Don Bosco Technical School (K302, 643.50), Koki Technical Vocational Institute (K8,525) , Maino Heduru Vocational Centre (K780.00), Port Moresby Technical College (K37, 646.25), Works Training Centre (K12,000), Badili Vocational Centre (K6,000), Limana Vocational Centre (K3,225), Hohola Youth Development Centre (K8,100), Caritas Technical Secondary School (K95,365.50), Southpac Industrial Training Solutions (K83,712.50), Port Moresby Business College (K84,471.25) and International Training Institute (K296,968.75).

The TVET scholarship scheme is an initiative of the NCD Governor Powes Parkop for school and non-school leavers to undertake trade courses at a number of National Department of Education recognised technical and vocational. PNG Today / Post Courier

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