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PNG Opposition Leader Belden Namah calls on O'neill to surrender to Police and resign

PNG Opposition Leader, Belden Namah is calling on Prime Minister Peter O'neill to show example and surrender to Police and resign. Namah says O'neill  must present himself as a man Papua New Guineans can look up to as the best example of fine leadership and good citizenship.
His actions and conduct must be beyond question. He must preserve the integrity of the Office of the Prime Minister and must now present himself to police and resign as Prime Minister. 
Opposition leader said today in a press statement in relation to PM O’Neill’s impending arrest. “At the outset, the Prime Minister is a legislator. He makes the laws of Papua New Guinea, the operation of which he must respect.
He is the head of the Executive Government, and in that capacity, he is the chief administrator of Government systems and processes. He must respect the functioning and operations of the administrative affairs of Papua New Guinea.
Failure to live up to these expectations and willful scorn for the systems and institutions of governance are signs of tyranny and dictatorship,” Mr Namah said.

He said the Opposition has been warning Papua New Guineans that Peter O’Neill was taking Papua New Guinea down the lane of tyranny and dictatorship.
“He has been amending the Constitution and other laws to entrench himself in power and to serve his appetite for greed and selfishness. He has defied the constitutional laws and other laws of Papua New Guinea.
He has manipulated and micro managed the institutions of state to serve his selfish interests. He has made appointments of family, friends and associates into key positions of Government.
“Peter O’Neill has been destroying this beautiful Country of ours since day one of his Prime Ministership. I have been calling on Peter O’Neill to resign and save this country from embarrassment because of the high level of corruption, misconduct and maladministration on his part.
I called for his resignation on numerous occasions because of the criminal nature in which Paul Paraka Lawyers were paid millions of Kina on the direction of Mr O’Neill himself and a similar unlawful payment of K50 Million to LR Group of Israel.
“I am now calling again on Peter O’Neill to resign as Prime Minister before more damage and humiliation is suffered by the people of this Country because of his foolishness and stupidity.
I also call on the Police Force of Papua New Guinea to do their job without fear or favor and I commend them highly for completing their investigations against my complaint and taking it thus far. I extend the same high commendations to the Chairman of Task Force Sweep and his team for a job well done in the difficult fight against high level and complex trends of corruption in Government.
“Let me take this opportunity to assure all those admirable Papua New Guineans contributing to the fight against corruption, that the Opposition is right behind you and we will do all in our powers to support and protect you from harm by those that intend on corruptly enriching themselves at the expense of  Papua New Guineans,” he said.
PNG Today / Post courier

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