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It's been revealed that nothing tangible has resulted from numerous funding that's flooded into Papua New Guinea over the years, to support Government, Non-Government Organizations and Community-based Groups, conduct Climate Change programs.
 Minister for Environment and Conservation, John Pundari, highlighted this to donor partners, government representatives and N-G-O's during the World Environment Day celebrations at the Idubada beach in Port Moresby, yesterday.

 The celebrations were brought a day forward from the annual event held on June 5, which is today.
 Mr. Pundari said, with lots of funding to the Office of Climate Change, he wants to see real programs on the ground.
 Pundari has pointed out that PNG through big NGO's and community based groups are good at inviting donor agencies through the windows of opportunity with millions of kina all in the mane of climate change program, however, there are no real tangible activities on the ground.
 Minister Pundari says this is due to lack of coordination amongst the stakeholders.
Minister Pundari also highlighted that the ONeil Dion government is serious with Climate Change issues and it fully supports the Officer of Climate Change and Development with a 20 million kina annual funding to support the office to proactively carry out its programs and awareness.
Mr. Pundari, is urging the Idubada community to revive the spirit of mangrove planting again, along the beach, which was abandoned since the First Lady and then United States Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton planted some, in 2010, when launching the program.
 He gave the people 10-thousand Kina, to start replanting of mangroves immediately.

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