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PNG Education Minister Nick Kuman.
EDUCATION Minister Nick Kuman says the outcomes-based education (OBE) system  will be completely abolished when 2015 academic year begins. The new Standard Based  Educations (SBE) will be introduced begining 2015.
Mr Kuman reiterated this at the opening of the Koiari Park Adventist Secondary School of Excellence at 14-Mile outside Port Moresby yesterday. "OBE will be axed next year as the Government will begin the five-year roll out of the skills-based education (SBE) in its place," Mr Kuman said.
 He said it was a government priority to ensure quality basic education was instilled in our school-aged children starting from elementary.
The minister also highlighted that there was going to be more emphasis on the introduction of information technology in primary schools starting next year and the government was at the forefront in ensuring this becomes a reality.
Mr Kuman said the government has embarked on building more new schools and teachers’ houses.
He said the government was also adamant on improving the poor teacher to student ratio. This should at least improve by 2019.
 He said K1.5 billion earmarked for the provinces was to ensure the provincial and district authorities partnered with the national Government to ensure quality basic education reaches all school aged children in PNG.
Mr Kuman thanked the churches for their continued support for decades, making it clear that churches are the first organisations to bring services to the rural areas of PNG.
 In the occasion yesterday, he commended the Seventh Day Adventist Church, which has been a major partner in education.
The establishment of the Koiari Park Adventist Secondary School of Excellence is a partnership between the church and the National Capital District Commission through the NCD division of education.
The school project began in 2012. Its feeder school is the Kinakon Primary School at 14 Mile.
Its first lot of grade 10s and second lot of grade 9 students begin their formal classes at the new premises on Monday.
PNG Today / Post Courier

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