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Police boss condemns Lawyer Bonner beating

Deputy Police Commissioner, Jim Andrews, has condemned the arrest and beating of Lawyer Sam Bonner.
Mr. Andrews says the manner in which Sam Bonner was arrested was inappropriate.

An internal investigation will be conducted into the arrest and alleged assault.

Mr. Andrews held a news conference this afternoon on issues regarding the arrest of Lawyer Sam Bonner and rumors surrounding the deployment of Highlands based policemen.

He says, the arrest and assault of Sam Bonner by policemen was inappropriate.

An internal investigation will be carried out to ensure justice is served on those policemen involved in the arrest and assault of Mr. Bonner.

Mr. Andrews appealed to policemen dealing with the Paraka saga to be professional.

He dispelled rumors of the deployment of Highlands based policemen to Port Moresby.

He says, as the head of operations he did not give any directives for the deployment.

Mr. Andrews maintained that the police force is intact and that there are no factions within the force.

PNG Today / EMTV

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