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Inquest ends without any real conclusive findings

The Coronial Inquest into our five missing researchers,who went missing two-years ago in West New Britain is completed, but without any real conclusive findings.

The Inquest Report was release in May this year and suggested for a new investigation to be carried out should fresh real evidence surfaces. The Report concluded two likely-scenarios to best explain the incident’s mystery – bad weather and or foul play although bad weather was later ruled out following overwhelming evidence of foul play (sea piracy).
As such the report strongly recommended that the case be referred to the Police and Justice Departments for further investigations, as the case maybe of criminal nature.
Lack of hard evidence was the main impediment to the inquiry’s investigations.  This was mainly attributed to the investigation team's “difficulties in summoning witnesses who held vital information to what happened to the missing persons because their whereabouts could not be identified,” said Coroner Lawrence Kangwai, ML in the report. The inquest into the missing researchers and the boat crew commenced on 12 January this year in Kimbe, West New Britain Province.
It was also extended to Wewak, Manus and Port Moresby.
This inquest was sanctioned by the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill, after the Police in
WNB had to halt its own investigations due to lack to funding in 2012.
The information gathered during the inquest consisted of police investigations,
exhibits, affidavits, pictures and witnesses  statements which were examined then re-examined
in Kimbe, Wewak, Manus and in  Port Moresby. Coroner, Kangwia ML stated that the end
of the Inquest was a form of closure for the  relatives and those closely associated with
the missing persons.  It has been over two years since the five IMR researchers disappeared
mysteriously off the coast of Kimbe in the  West New Britain Province while on duty
travel.  The five researchers include Gibson  Gideon, the Team Leader; Tania Oakiva,
Graduate Scientifc Officer; Lydia Petrus and Leonard Vavana, Research Nurses;
and George Dogoya, Research Assistant.  Among them were three other people,
two of whom were boat crew members. In total, eight people went missing on that
fateful day - Monday 1 August 2011. Of the recommendations suggested by  the Inquiry, the main being for the Police  Force hierarchy to immediately set up a  new independent investigation and that  this investigation to be headed by Police  from outside of WNB.  This is so that they pursue the follow-ups from the Inquest on the leads and suspects
name so that appropriate actions be given.  PNG Institute of Medical Research has
been following this Inquest very closely.  Despite the Inquest ending without real
conclusive findings, the management of  IMR are grateful for all the collective efforts
and involvement of various government  agency into the Inquest and as well as the

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