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Murray Barracks Sports Complex ready for 2015 Pacific Games

The Murray Barracks Sports Complex was officially commissioned by the Prime Minister Peter O’Neill  and is ready for use during the 2015 Pacific Games.

PM Peter O’Neill said the refurbished facility is a land mark building that was once in a depleting state but  partnership developed between different organisations including the Sports Federation, Sports Commission and Papua New Guinea Defence Force and all other parties were able to come together to restore the facilities.

“I am very happy to hear that this facility for PNGDF has been restored so that our future generations can also have the access of utilizing this facility,” said Mr. O’ Neill.

Minister for Sports Justine Tkatchenko said the facility was fully funded by the PNG Sports Foundation and initiated by the board to help enhance the sporting abilities of the people of Papua New Guinea.

The gym becomes the new home of the Taurama Leisure Centre but under a new rebranding as the Murray Barracks Sporting Complex.

PM O’Neill and other cabinet ministers in Defence Minister Fabian Pok, Community Development Minister Delilah Gore and also Sports Minister had the pleasure to tour the whole facility and were delighted at the new look sporting complex.


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