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Unitech Lecturer's relatives attacked

Relatives of a senior lecture at the PNG University of Technology are fighting for their lives at the Lae Angau Memorial Hospital after they were brutality attacked by a mob on Sunday.

The two men, identified as Ronald Nagombi, 25, and Maslin Nagombi, 30, both from Yangoru District in East Sepik Province were alleged to have been attacked by an ethic group from the Highlands. The victims are brothers of Edmond Nagombi, a lecturer with the Applied Physics department at the University of Technology.

Both are now fighting for their lives at the intensive care unit at the Angau Memorial Hospital after sustaining fractured skulls and multiple wounds to parts of their bodies. Lae police are investigating the attack and working around the clock to have the perpetrators arrested and charged.

Eyewitnesses at the scene said the incident happened when a group of Highlanders from a certain ethic group were irritated when they (mob) were almost hit by the vehicle the victims were driving. In retaliation the mob attacked them and destroyed their vehicle.

The actual findings on who was at fault could not be established but University students who witnessed the incident and wish not to be named claimed that the it was due to the near collision between the victims’ vehicle and the mob.

The witnesses said that after the initial incident more men arrived on the scene, all armed with iron bars, axes and timber clubs. They then chased and attacked the two unarmed victims to the point of death from extreme blood-loss.

The victims were rushed to the hospital and placed on life support at the intensive care unit. The two brothers remain in this current condition for now.

PNG Today/Post Courier

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