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World Bank Group Vice President’s Trip to PNG a success

World Bank Group Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific, Axel van Trotsenburg, has completed his visit to Papua New Guinea.

Mr van Trotsenburg used his time here to visit some community members benefiting from World Bank Group projects, as well as to meet with Papua New Guinea senior officials such as Prime Minister O’Neill.

As part of his trip Mr van Trotsenburg travelled to Mt Hagen and Jiwaka provinces to meet with the Governor of Jiwaka, The Honourable William Tongamp as well as senior representatives from Mt Hagen province. The groups discussed the importance of rural development and the benefits that agriculture, especially coffee and cocoa, can bring.

“The Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project has already benefitted more than 20,000 smallholder coffee and cocoa farmers,” said Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Group Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific. “We’re stepping up our efforts to reach the next 40,000 even faster so they can benefit from increased income and improved access to markets.”

Six provinces are already taking part in the Productive Partnerships in Agriculture Project and, with the World Bank’s additional financing of $30 million, all coffee and cocoa farming provinces are now able to apply.

While in Port Moresby Mr van Trotsenburg and the new World Bank Country Manager, Steffi Stallmeister, met with Prime Minister O’Neill. They reviewed the current and future cooperation that includes lending, technical assistance and analytical advice. They also discussed the possibility of new financial support in the order of $175 million over the next two years.

“We had an excellent discussion covering a wide range of issues. The World Bank and the Government of Papua New Guinea share the same solid commitment to improve the lives of Papua New Guineans, and I reiterated the Bank’s willingness to continue its strong assistance program,” said Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Group Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific.

Mr van Trotsenburg also congratulated the Prime Minister on getting the LNG project up and running. They discussed the challenge of how to effectively manage the benefits of this and other natural resource projects for economic and social development in this country and especially to the most vulnerable. In this context, they also discussed the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI).

“I appreciated the Prime Minister’s commitment to EITI and its effective implementation,” said Axel van Trotsenburg, World Bank Group Vice President for East Asia and the Pacific.

Mr van Trotsenburg also expressed his support for the formation of a sovereign wealth fund and offered to share the World Bank’s expertise on its creation and development.

The meeting also covered the issue of gender and domestic violence. They agreed that this is still major challenge in Papua New Guinea and will require a long-term commitment to work with all sectors in PNG – from businesses, NGOs, Government and local groups – to see improvements. They agreed to work together with other partners to raise awareness around the issue.

Other meetings with senior government officials included the Minister for Works and Implementation, the Governor of the Central Bank and the Treasury. Mr van Trotsenburg also met with development partners, civil society and youth leaders during his visit to hear their challenges and achievements in the country.

PNG Today / Post Courier 

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