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Knight denies allegations of misappropriation and misconduct in office

SUSPENDED Manus MP Ronny Knight denied five allegations of misappropriation and misconduct in office at the leadership tribunal in Waigani yesterday.
Public Prosecutor Pondros Kaluwin had referred Knight to the tribunal after finding a “prima facie” case against the MP.
The tribunal will continue today and witnesses will be called to give evidence.
Knight’s lawyer Greg Egan QC informed the three-member tribunal yesterday that his client did not agree with the five allegations.
Knight was at the hearing.
The tribunal comprising Justice Salatiel Lenalia, Ignatius Kurei and Rosie Johnson then proceeded to hear evidence by counsel assisting the tribunal Camillus Sambua.
Ombudsman Commission investigator Richard Pagen, who was the first witness to be called by Sambua, told the tribual of the processes involved in their investigation.
Pagen said minutes of the Manus Joint District Planning and Budget Priorities Committee meetings were tampered with and unapproved insertions done.
One of the allegations against Knight related to the purchase of a vessel for K2.5 million for the district.
The leader is alleged to have withheld vital information and misled the Manus JDP&BPC into buying the mv Trader Star, which was unseaworthy and inappropriate for Manus waters.
The vessel later required additional repairs costing K180,670.
Another allegation involved a payment made to a hire car company in which Knight was said to have business dealings with.
The alleged offences were committed between January and August last year.
Knight was suspended from office following a request by Kaluwin to Chief Justice Sir Salamo Injia to set up the tribunal, which is expected to convene on Manus after completion of evidence from witnesses in Port Moresby. PNG Today/The National

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