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Asylum Seekers may transfer to PNG's notorious Bomana Prison

More than 40 asylum seekers detained in jail or in police station cells on Manus Island may be transferred to Bomana prison outside Port Moresby, a Government source says, the National reports. 

The asylum seekers were arrested after security personnel broke through barricades erected at the entrance to a cell block at the detention centre on Monday.

The source said Correctional Service management was concerned about the transfer, given the security problem caused by the prisoners. But Foreign Affairs and Immigration Minister Rimbink Pato had already signed the instruments for the transfer last month.
“The way I see it, 40 or 50 asylum seekers will be flown to Port Moresby,” he said.
“This has caused concern among senior management at Correctional Service because of the security of our own prisoners.
“They (asylum seekers) will be coming (to Bomana) this weekend, if not, next week.”
The source said Pato, on Dec 15, 2014, signed instruments for Bomana Jail, Manus Jail, Manus police lock-up, and the Manus detention centre “to be relocation centres for the temporary residence of asylum seekers pending the determination of their refugee status under Papua New Guinea law”.
“He (Pato) is empowered under the Immigration Act to make such declarations,” he said.
Radio Australia reported yesterday that asylum seekers at the Manus detention centre had vowed to continue their hunger strike.
“Late on Monday, private security guards forced their way into a compound, which had been blockaded for three days,” ABC reported.
“Asylum seekers say as long as they remain in PNG, they won’t stop protesting.”

PNG Today / The National

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