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60 Inmates Graduate with new skills

A total of 60 detainees at Bomana prison graduated today after undergoing a two week training in entrepreneur skills under the sponsorship of the Papa SAM Foundation.
They graduated with basic skills with respect to testing personal viability skills, if they can use them to enter small business after they serve their term in prison..
“It was with great enthusiasm that these people learnt basic skills to examine their own abilities and strengths to use for business purpose after they are given their freedom from Bomana” said Commanding Officer HARAHA KEKO..
Foundation chairman of Papa SAM Foundation when speaking as the guest of honour, stressed the importance of being liberated from spiritual and personal level where he said when this is right people are in a better position to manage their lives as well as the whatever business activities they engage themselves into.
Moderator of the United Church of Papua New Guinea Rev Samson Lowa shared similar sentiments with them.
Commanding officer HARAHA KEKO thanked the PAPA SAM Foundation for their great assistance. PNG Today/PNGFM

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