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Webster retires after 11 years with NRI

Dr Charles YALA is now the New Director of the National Research Institute, replacing Dr Thomas Webster, who will now retire after serving this post for eleven years.
This was announced by Chairman of the NRI Council, Sir Henry Chow.
The NRI Council is confident that Dr Yala will continue the good work done by Dr Webster in positioning the Institute to make a positive contribution to the development of PNG. Dr Yala will commence work as Director on the 1st of June 2015.
Dr Yala commenced work with NRI after graduating from UPNG with an Economics Degree in 1993, gaining a Masters Degree from Kent University and a PhD in Public Policy from the Australian National University in 2005. He has held research position at NRI as a young project officer and promoted to Associate Professional Research several years with the Australian National University as a Researcher and also the University of New South Wales as ADFA, amongst others.
Sir Chow on behalf of the NRI Council also took the opportunity to thank Dr Webster for the excellent leadership in rebuilding and bringing NRI to a nationally and international recognized institute.

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