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Cricket PNG clarifies selection of Pacific Games

Cricket PNG wishes to advise the Cricket Fraternity and General Public at large that the Pacific Games final teams will be finalised and confirmed as per the PNG Olympic Committee’s deadline of April 27th this year.
Cricket PNG High Performance Manger Rarua Dikana confirmed today that the Digicel Men’s PNG Team and Pacific MMI Lewas team will be finalised once all selection procedures are finalised.
Cricket PNG will be hosting a regional men’s championship later this month which will be used as part of the selection procedures towards the final Pacific Games team by the deadline required by PNG OC. Dikana said.
“What we are doing now is fielding all possible players into a pool to allow them to train on for them to be physically fit before any scheduled tournaments in the near future of which the Pacific Games is one of these scheduled tournaments.”
“We will definitely field a best possible line up of players before July this year that will be a Gold Medal Winning Prospective Team like those that had previously participated in Pacific Games held in recent years,” Dikana said.

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