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“Both men and women are equally intelligent, you just have to work hard to be successful!”
These were the words by CEO for CPL Mr Ravi Singh during the launch of the of the CPL Women in Leadership programme today at the Grand Papua Hotel.
The Launching of the Women in Leadership Programme is part of the International Women’s Day celebrations which falls on the 8th of this month.
“The aim of the programme is to develop aspiring female employees from CPL to be future leaders in the organization” said Mr Singh
He said there are lots of women working on ground in CPL and men seem to be dominating most corporate positions.
‘’Because of this, CPL has decided to come up with this programme for our female employees to grow in the organization and make their way up the ladder”
He encouraged his female employees to grab every opportunity that they come across and told them not limit their abilities in taking up some of CPL’s top positions.

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