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Excessive usage of phones sees a drop in literature in PNG

Grammar and literacy skills have dropped greatly in schools due excessive usage of Mobile Phones.
That’s the word by the Deputy Admin Principal for Badihagwa Secondary Mrs Marie Pena.
”Nowadays most students are spending a lot of time on Mobile phones than reading books and this is the reason why today’s generation cannot write good English and some of them can’t even speak good English” said Mrs Pena.
“Students are texting their friends with the so called “mobile phone slangs”, like when they’re typing the word “because” as “bcoz” which is not the correct way of spelling “because” and yet they continue using this method of texting which really undermines their grammar when it comes to normal lessons in classrooms”
She said the more time they spend texting using the mobile phone slangs, they eventually forget the real spelling word as they are already use to the slangs that they use. 
“ This is very frightening for a generation that has alot happening for them in terms of LNG and other big projects in the country, which they will they need to be educated properly to be in the front line or they miss out” 
Mrs Pena said Badihagwa Secondary has taken a bold step in banning mobile phones in the school as the school could see how mobile phones were affecting students learning.
She is now calling on all other schools to ban Mobile Phones in schools in order to help their own students.
“I also want to call on the parents not to buy Mobile Phones for your children when they are still in Primary school up to Secondary level, by doing this you are helping your child to be a better person in the future” said Mrs Pena.


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