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Government Allocates 10 Million Kina to Papua New Guinea Regions Affected by Extreme Weather

Prime Minister Peter O'Neill  has announced that the Government has approved 10 million Kina in disaster relief funding for six provinces that have sustained extensive damage during recent extreme weather.
In making the announcement, the Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O’Neill CMG MP, said millions of people across Papua New Guinea have been affected and a number of lives lost due to extreme weather.
“The extent of the damage in many areas of Papua New Guinea has never been seen before,” Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neil said.
“Following assessments from the National Disaster Centre, and in consultation with district and provincial officials, the national Government is providing 10 million Kina in disaster assistance.
“This money is being allocated in the six provinces of West New Britain, Jiwaka, Southern Highlands, Bougainville, Oro and Gulf.
“These funds are being transferred directly to the Provincial Governments for their allocation to affected districts. “It is important that these districts contact their Provincial Administrations and give the details of the assistance they require.”
Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said damage across these provinces has been extensive affecting vital services and people’s livelihoods.
“The major storm-related problems that have been identified have involved the destruction of essential infrastructure including roads, bridges and power lines. “This has to be repaired promptly and services restored.
“There has also been substantial crop loss across the country. There are grassroots families who have lost their food and their income. Action is needed to ensure people have access to food and that lost crops can be reestablished in the shortest possible timeframe.”
The Prime Minister warned that the danger of further cyclone damage is not yet over in the current storm season and people in at-risk areas must prepare for the worst.
“Cyclone Nathan remains active in the Coral Sea and we cannot discount the chance of extreme weather impacting on Islands in Milne Bay or the coast of Central Province. “People in areas threatened by cyclonic conditions must take precautions to ensure the safety of their communities.
“Safety is the priority and we need people to have an emergency plan that ensures they will take shelter during a storm. People should also think ahead and prepare relief supplies such as bottled water and tinned food.”

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