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Kumuls Game Changers Programme launched at UPNG

The Kumul Game Changers Programme which was launched last year is a programme that aims at developing young entrepreneurs in Papua New Guinea.
The programme is inviting entrepreneurs and existing businesses to submit a business idea or plan that must have social impact and financial possibility.
According to the chairman for Kumul Foundation Mr Anthony Smare, forty (40) shortlisted entrepreneurs will be announced at end of this month; they will then undergo intensive residential entrepreneurship start-up boot camp training with the Kumul Game Changers Initiative’s partner IBBM, and will then have the opportunity to pitch to potential investors during the Kumul Game Changers Conference in May.
Mr Smare when speaking to interested entrepreneurs in one of his information sessions yesterday at UPNG said the business idea had to be a new idea and not an existing one.
“You cannot pick an idea that already has competition, you cannot say you want to operate a PMV service, a piggery or chicken farm or trade store, these business ideas already have competition and they are not new ideas”
He said the Kumul Game Changers programme is looking for people whose business ideas can solve a problem in their respective communities or institutions, a business idea that can be used in other parts of the world.
“I want you all to think of a idea like the next phase of facebook, think outside the box, think globally and you may never know, you could be the next Mark Zuckerberg”
Mr Smare encouraged all Papua New Guineans to make an attempt to submit a business plan despite their qualifications.
For those interested entrepreneurs, you can send your applications and submit your enterprise through this website www.kumulgamechngers.com
Applications close on the 31st of March. PNG Today/PNGFM

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