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PNG Government committed to improve living standards

The Papua New Guinea Government is committed and focused in improving standard of living for the people of Papua New Guinea.
Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said this country owe it to the children who are the future of this country, who have been neglected for the last 40 years.
Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said the Government is changing PNG for the better by empowering grass-roots men, women and children of the nation. He also told the people that Members of Parliament who are not working should be judged at the elections, whether they are in Government or not.
He said the policies of the Government in free-education, free-basic health, infrastructure, law and order and growing the economy are deliberate Government interjections.
"This Government is investing in districts, provinces and ward councils, which is taking service delivery to people in rural areas. Grass-roots people know what is needed in their areas and they must be included in decision-making processes,” Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said.
He added: "Now councillors, village magistrates and court officers are funded by the Government, this consistency facilitates leadership and decision-making at local level areas. "We will continue to strengthen the public service from the districts up to the national level."
Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said the Government is building public servants’ houses, clearing up issues in the law and order system, and providing opportunities for children to be educated and families to have access to basic health care.
"Provinces are now receiving almost three billion kina each year for key impact projects. This is the first time in the history of this country,” Prime Minister Hon. Peter O’Neill said.

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