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Oil Search Pacific Games Relay travels to Nawaeb in Morobe Province

Snake man welcoming Pacific Games
Relay in Nawaeb 
The Oil Search Pacific Games Relay is exhausted after a long day travelling through Nawaeb District and then on to downtown Lae.

The relay flew to Bua Village to be serenaded by their conch shell band and stopped in at the Bibi Primary School Athletics carnival where the four local schools took the baton on a 400m relay around the oval.

Their parents then took the baton to sea by traditional canoe to an awaiting DuaDua sing sing group before handing the baton over to its scariest encounter yet, a snakeman.

The snakeman carried at least eight large snakes that wound their way around both him and the baton, with the odd one falling to the ground and terrorising the crowd and the relay team, who ran screaming.

Over to Boana Station up in the Sarawaget Range for a relay around the station based on a ridge top before descending to Situm where the baton was taken by the widow of ex-World War Two servicemen, Awa Penua.

The baton then forded the river at Situm before the Green Machine cycling club took the baton for a road relay.

The baton crossed over the Buso River Bridge and into Lae District with a marching band escort with homemade drums and cymbals.

From there the Baton went straight into a relay from Butibam to the port and across to the Lae showgrounds.

The relay was launched by Oil Search Ambassador Bart Philemon at his home village of Butibam.

Business houses sent their workers out to run with the Riback Stevedores and PNG Ports putting on great displays involving container forklifts, trucks and even ship cranes to lift the baton up onto a docked container ship at Lae Port.

The Oil Search Pacific Games relay will spend Friday relaying around the rest of Lae city.

Photo credit: madNess Photography

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