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Post P-N-G has paid its dividends to the State, for the first time in 26 years.
Prime Minister, Peter O'Neill was on hand to receive the cheque of 300-thousand Kina to the Independent Public Business Corporation and launch the company's three new products, in Port Moresby, yesterday.
These are, the business E-Commerce project, 2014 Annual Stamp Album and an air freight bonded warehouse to store goods.
Speaking to workers and management of Post PNG, the prime minister says he understand , the dividend does not come that easy as Post PNG has faced great challenges in the recent years,, in light of the new Information Technology such as Internet, Social Media among others.
Changes in the technologies has put great pressure on Post PNG business, however, Peter ONeill has encouraged Post PNG to continue to do their best to ensure Papua New Guineans in remote locations continue to have ongoing access to quality postal services.
ONeill, said as government, it supports Post PNG adapting into this new business environment.
He adds, government place additional capital into PNG Post, and as a result, postal services and related businesses are starting to deliver better outcomes.

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