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Respect PNG, O'Neill tells Australia over planned diplomatic Post on Bougainville

PNG PM Peter O'Neill outrage over Australia's plan to set
up Diplomatic Post on Bougainville. 
Papua New Guinea Prime Minister Peter O'neill has told Australia to respect PNGs sovereignty and not to interfere with its affairs.  Mr O'neill said this while condemning Australia's plan to establish a diplomatic Post on the Island of Bougainville. He said Bougainville is the integral part of Papua New Guinea and any plan to establish diplomatic post on Bougainville by any country must consult his government. 

"As we respect territorial integrity of others, we expect others to respect us as well"  O'neill was reacting  to an announcement by Australia this week  that it planned to open a foreign mission in the Autonomous Region of Bougainville

"..In the Australian budget document, we were shocked to learn that Australian Government plans to establish a diplomatic post.  " As we all know, Bougainville is an integral part of Papua New Guinea  and there are clear historical sensitivities around Bougainville  that we must appreciate. 

Meanwhile,  Australia’s foreign minister Julie Bishop denied that Canberra had failed to consult with PNG over the diplomatic post."

In a statement to the ABC, a spokesperson said Ms Bishop had discussed her proposal to open a secondary post in PNG during a visit in December 2014.

According to Ms Bishop’s office, high commissioner Stokes had had also formally advised the O’Neill Government of its intention to announce a new diplomatic presence.

Ms Bishop said she was going to speak to Minister Pato last night.

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