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PNG's 40th Independence Anniversary celebrations end in spectacular style

Thousands of people packed the Sir John Guise (SJG) stadium to witness the closing ceremony of PNG's 40th Independence Anniversary. Several local and international artist performed live to entertain the crowd. The famous International artist Michael Lense to Rock took to the stadium with his hits that kept the crowd to their toes. 

The day opened with dawn celebrations at the Parliament house where the flag raising ceremony was held. Prime Minister Peter O'Neill gave the key note and addressed the nation. 

Australian and PNG Defence force planes took to the skies of Port Moresby. Australian F-28 bombers flew low to mark the PNG's 40th Independence Anniversary.

During day, celebrations were held at Jack Pidik Park, Ela Beach, Vision City, University of Papua New Guinea, Parliament and other designated locations. 

In the evening thousands marched to  Sir John Guise Stadium to witness the closing ceremony. Fireworks and great lighting setup kept the stadium alight. The crowd were  further trilled by MLTR great hits like, Sleeping child, 25 Minutes too late, Blue nights, wild woman and many more. 

Local artist like Moses Tou, Jokema, Amslom and Paramana strangers. 

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