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Banks South Pacific sponsors UPNG MBA pinnacle program

The University of Papua New Guinea's (UPNG) Business School will host a Master in Business Administration (MBA) Pinnacle, with the aim to showcase the students' research and the MBA program.

Bank South Pacific (BSP) has come on board as Gold level sponsors of the University of Papua New Guinea (UPNG), Master in Business Administration (MBA) Pinnacle program, to be held in the UPNG campus on the 9th of November, 2015.

The Pinnacle aims to provide a platform for MBA candidates to showcase their knowledge and skills and also gives a glimpse to into what the course offers to potential candidates.

Pinnacle Coordinator, Suresh Babu, stated that the event was key in showcasing and marketing professionals in this field. It is also an event that provides and avenue for organisations to obtain information on research topics that will be presented by MBA students.

Mr. Babu, thanked BSP for the support in this event as it will go toward staging the one day event, to bring out the best in the MBA students and what the University has to offer. We are pleased that BSP, a leading organisation supports this initiative especially in the Business and Finance.

Mr Babu added that the Pinnacle will be used as means for business houses to recognise the quality of the MBA program conducted at UPNG's School of Business Administration.

BSP Head of Talent Management Annette Naita said that, BSP recognises the need for qualified people in the banking and finance industry and this was one way build encourage and source qualified professionals.

"We are pleased to support the MBA Pinnacle program. We hope that with this support, the event can be able to achieve its objectives. The bank has an active staff development program which recognises and rewards staff with leadership potential to develop their leadership and management skills, and therefore we are proud to be associated with the program this year. "

"BSP Secondment program is one of the banks notable programs that has seen six Papua New Guineans going through the program and have taken up senior management roles in the bank."

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