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Paga Hill Development to transform Port Moresby

Artistic expression of the new Paga Hill development that will transform Port Moresby, PNG
Paga Hill is the future of Port Moresby. With spectacular views, idyllic surrounds, historic war relics and proximity to the Port Moresby downtown area, the site constitutes an unbridled opportunity.

With such an opportunity comes responsibility, and despite an enduring timeline, Paga Hill Development Company has remained true to its vision of a comprehensively planned, landmark and inclusive development that will transform the face of Port Moresby.

Leveraging its natural position on a point, Paga Hill will move away from the gated communities now commonplace in Port Moresby, establishing itself as truly inclusive - a focal point for Paga Hill residents, city residents, tourists and visitors alike.

With approximately 30% of the site being public open space, walkways and promenades will ferry people around Paga Point from the city to Ela Beach, through stunning vantage points, renovated World War II relics, cultural centre, hotel, marina, as well as waterfront retail, cafés and restaurants.

The site will be one for all to enjoy, a vibrant hub and focal point for the city, and more importantly, an icon of a modern and progressive Papua New Guinea.

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