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Airline PNG rebranding with positive name change to PNG Air

“The introduction of the new ATR 72-600 aircraft not only gave the airline a huge boost in the quality of product it offers the people of PNG – it also offered the opportunity to make other changes to the airline, and prompted us to look closely at what we were doing now and what we needed to do in future,” said Muralee Siva, CEO of PNG Air.

“We recognise that to keep pace with the growing size and sophistication of the aviation market in PNG, we can’t just introduce a new aircraft and rely on that to do everything for us – we need to keep reinforcing the airline’s service culture through staff training and we also need to keep improving the product we offer the public,” said Mr Siva.

“Once we commit to that sort of change, it made sense for us to also introduce a new brand. A new brand provides a fresh beginning for a company undergoing significant change. For us, it represents the company’s bold plan for the future of regional aviation in PNG – to be the first choice regional airline for the people of Papua New Guinea. It also symbolizes that we are not just doing the same old thing with the same old tools.”

Research in the market showed that the airline’s customers were looking for something more vibrant, bright and in keeping with the culture and people of PNG.

“The new name highlights our connection to PNG, and that we put PNG first. It also reflects that, through the majority shareholding of NasFund and MRDC, we are owned by a great many of the people of PNG,” said Mr Siva.

“The livery we’ve chosen acknowledges tradition, while positioning us as bold, fresh and next generation PNG. It creates a dynamic new look, fitting for a positive, confident PNG airline.”

“An airline’s name is one of its most important and recognizable assets. The new name and livery make PNG Air unique, and differentiate us from other airlines,” Mr Siva added.

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