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Ruling PNC Party sacks Loujaya Kouza

Member for Lae Open Loujaya Kouza has been sacked from Prime Minister Peter O'Neills PNC Party.  This was announced by Minister for Fisheries and Marine Resources and Deputy Leader of People’s National Congress Party Hon. Mao Zeming.

Following the latest outbursts by the Member for Lae, Minster Zeming said PNC leaders have decided to let her go, and the party caucus will formalise her removal.

He said the Member was lucky to gain enough votes to be elected in 2012, and following her behaviour since the election she has lost the little local support she had in Lae.

“We have heard the ranting from the Lae Member in the media and in public forums and most people are disappointed in her behaviour.

“The claims and accusations are so outrageous that most cannot be printed in newspapers and should probably be the subject of legal action.

“She has further tried to draw religion into her political accusations in a very distasteful manner.

“She must have respect for our churches and our people and not misuse the name of the Lord in her political accusations.”

The Minister said the public rightfully expects elected members to be vocal on issue of public importance, but to do so in the correct manner.

“Ours is a democracy where Members of Parliament have every right to free speech, but politicians are also bound by conventions of decency, respect and common sense.

“All three of those have been missing from the Lae MP’s ranting in recent months and we have no place for this kind of behaviour in the PNC party,” Mr Zeming said.

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