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More than 120 Papua New Guineans to depart for studies in Australia

More than 120 Papua New Guinean future leaders have completed preparations for an opportunity of a lifetime – undertaking a scholarship for study in Australia in 2016.

Suzanne Edgecombe, Counsellor for Education Development at the Australian High Commission was pleased to announce that: "53% were offered to women, 53% to people living and working in the provinces and 7% to persons with a disability."

Ms Edgecombe said an Australia Award represented the culmination of many years of effort, sacrifice and commitment.

"Education brings tremendous opportunities. It opens up the range of choices we have. It is transformative" "PNG needs all of its citizens educated and able to participate in the nation’s development. In 2015, more than 50 per cent of Australia Award recipients are women, and almost 10 per cent are to people living with a disability.

"Australia Awards also provide recipients the opportunity and responsibility to show leadership in their community, their organisation, or in the political sphere. We want to support the next generation of PNG leaders," Ms Edgecombe said.

Most of the group are first time recipients of Australia Awards and will be supported to return to PNG with a qualification and skills they can use to effectively contribute to furthering Papua New Guinea’s development.

Since 1996, more than 2000 Papua New Guineans have studied in Australia on scholarships. Australia Awards promote knowledge, education links and enduring ties between Australia and PNG and are part of Australia's commitment to providing education opportunities to improve living standards and stimulate economic growth.

Check out Australian Scholarships >> Scholarships for Study Abroad

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