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Karanas Primary School students graduate

Karanas Primary School in Ialibu, Southern Highlands Province recently held their 3rdGrade Eight Graduation with 31 Graduates.
Council President of the Kewabi LLG Francis Wilipa told the Graduates that though they didn’t have oil and gas and other resources as the other parts of the Southern Highlands, they had Education.
“Education is a resource that we all must invest in, be self-disciplined, know your purpose in life because education is your future,” Wilipa said.
Wilipa told the students that God has a purpose and plan for all and that they must never give up on Education.
Head Teacher Philip Kapu said that though the school was small with only 290 students and 11 Teachers, the school had sent more than 90% of its graduates to continue to Grade 9 in the last 2years. Kapu said that the school was an initiative of a local Business man in the area Raphael Noipo and was a beacon of hope for many in the area.
“Mr Noipo wanted all his people to be educated and to become like him one day,” Kapu said.
“Many of us had to walk for miles just to get educated, but now we have a school in the community that benefits more than 8 villages.”
The school was first established in early 2000 as a community school with only Grade one to six, but changed to Primary school in 2010.
Kapu told the Community to take ownership of the school and of their children’s education and thanked Mr Warea Kay, a Community Leader who gave funds for the Teachers and the Dux Student.

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