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PNG Digicel Cup player Lance Kuveu signed by Central Queensland Capras

Lance Kuveu meeting his new coach, Kim Williams. Photo credit. Central Queensland Capras
A Digicel Cup player has been signed up with Central Queensland Capras for 2016 Intrust Super Cup  season. Rabaul Agmark Gurias player Lance Kuveu is now training with the Capras in Australia. 

Early this year, Kuveu found his luck when he represented  Central Queensland Capras who came with two men short against the Hunters in Kokopo. Kuveu and one of  his team mates were slotted in to play for the Capras.   He scored the only try for the Capras for that game and that caught the eyes of Capras management and coach. The Capras Management  announced on bringing him to Australia to play for them for Intrust Super Cup 2016 season.

After all immigration paper works were done, Kuveu has travelled to Australia and now training with the Capras.

Kuveu could be first digicel cup player to be recruited straight into intrust cup and not via Kumuls or Hunters program.

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