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17 Cruise Ships confirmed to visit Tonga in 2016

The Ministry of Tourism has announced that  17 cruise ships have been confirmed to visit the Kingdom in 2016.

The first cruise ship to arrive in Tonga is the Pacific Princess arriving on Thursday 4th of February followed by three ships - MS Artania 6th February, Pacific Pearl 11th February and onwards to Vava’u with the Black Watch on the 24th February for the month of February alone.

Since the establishment of the Vuna wharf in 2012, the cruise market has seen developments over the past few years from an increase in frequency of visits throughout the year to welcoming three ships within a day – a gold star for Tonga’s cruise market.

Under the careful guidance of the cruise steering committee, visitors can now enjoy a more vibrant experience with the introduction of traditional song and dance as part of the cruise day arrivals and farewells amongst other cultural activities.

The Pacific Princess is due to berth at Vuna wharf at 8:00am departing at 5:00pm handled by shipping agent Pacific Forum Line and operated by Jones Travel.

For more information on the cruise ships for 2016, please contact the Ministry of Tourism on 24 436 / 23 895 or visit us at our office located beside the Ministry of Lands & Natural Resources.

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