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Komo International Airport ransacked

Locals in the Komo area at Hela Province ransacked properties within the Komo International Airport and stole valuable items such as white goods, computers and laptops on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

According to a local  Community Relations Officer from Department of Petroleum & Energy engaged on the site, Mr Martin Hora, security guards manning the international airport were the first to steal valuable items in the vicinity first.

He said the security after stealing items inside then dismantled the security fence into the airport and allowed local youths and villagers safe passage in to ransack everything belonging to the government as well as from Exxon Mobille as everyone walked home with valuable items.
Mr Hora told media that community leaders came together and had talks with neighboring villages to stop and at this time any person trying to enter the airport vicinity will be shot dead as they await reinforcement of trusted security force to come a provide security in the area.


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