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PNG Electoral Commission to start roll cleansing Exercise

The PNG Electoral Commission, through its Roll Improvement Strategy for 2016 will do roll cleansing exercise which will see duplicate names, double or multiple entries, names of deceased, ghosts names and underage voters being removed from the electoral rolls.
According to PNGEC, after the roll cleansing has been done the rolls will be displayed in all the wards and LLGs throughout the country for electors to verify them before the rolls will be returned to the respective provincial electoral offices.
This is per the PNGEC way forward in preparing for the 2017 National Elections, which it expects it to be free, fair and safe elections right across the country.
Furthermore, the PNG Electoral Commission is planning for a massive Electoral Roll Update exercise which it intends to carryout in April this year.
According to the commission, during the roll update, new electors will be registered, those whose names were not on the 2012 Roll will be registered, those who have turned 18 will be registered as well as those who will turn 18 in 2017.
After the updating exercise, the PNGEC will bring all provincial rolls back to Headquarters here in POM for Data entry and amendments. PNGFM

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