Science lacking in PNG Institutions

This was revealed by the Minister for Higher Education, Research Science and Technology Malakai Tabar this morning during the PNG Human Resource Institute 2016 Annual National Conference which was attended by Human Resource Practitioners and Managers.
Minister Tabar said the country lacks top scientists, engineers and professionals in courses related in the field of Science and Mathematics.
“I have received reports from tertiary institutions that that so many Science students are streaming to Social Science during their first year and this is a concern when it comes to Human Resource Development as these two fields meed to balance out in order to develop this country”
Minister Tabar also confirmed that the number of Science students in grade 10 & 11 from 2010-2015 has dropped from 52%-27% which is a huge drop and it also reflects back to teachers in the Secondary Schools and Primary schools on how they conduct the lessons.
“Its how students are taught back in the primary school and secondary school that makes them loose interest in Science and my department is looking at ways in beefing up that area from primary schools up to tertiary level” said Minister Tabar. PNGFM/ PNG Today
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