Censorship Awareness at Caritas Girls Secondary School

Chief Censor Mr Mala urged his officers in a briefing before the awareness to conduct the awareness at a level that would best suit students understanding and also focus on mediums of online interaction; eg; facebook , whatsapp, etc.
Mr Mala said the aim of the awareness is to educate the young people on the role of Censorship Office and to inform them on some of the dangers of online serviceabuse that they may not be aware of, especially children and women.
Principal for CTSS Mrs Mwayamwana was pleased to have the Office of Censorship present to deliver the awareness messages which basically consisted of the main roles and functions of the Office and informationfor students to be responsible users of the various social media sites as there is now a Cybercrime Bill in place from the office of National Information & Communication Technology Authority, which will monitor the way users of social media sites express themselves through social media and if there expressions cause or impose danger to others, than they will be held responsible by law.
It was a successful program where students participated by asking questions and provided recommendations for the Office to consider in their awareness programs which was both helpful and satisfying.
Promotional materials and office publications were also distributed to the students for information and research purposes.
Gerehu, Gordon and Badihagwa Secondary Schools including Boroko Primary School have been advised on similar awareness program and the Office of Censorship is expected to visit these schools in Term 3 when the respective school principals give their approval.
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