Namah confident Opposition will form the next government

The Member for Vanimo Green Belden is confident the Opposition will eventually become the new government by next week Friday when the Vote of No Confidence takes place.
Namah in an Opposition press conference after the parliament sitting this afternoon said, “I am confident that Opposition with the inclusion of the People’s Progress Party (PPP) Ben Micah and his party members who have left the government, we will have the number to form a government.”
PPP brought in five members, while New Generation Party which also left the government side brought in three members to join the Opposition team.
Meanwhile, Namah is also blaming the current situation in the country where workers are protesting and services like airline and port services being cancelled on the actions of the prime minister.
He said the current situation is the direct result of the decisions of the Peter O’Neill over the years, including getting major loans without proper debate on the floor of parliament before acquiring them, which now resulted in major debt issues in the country.
Thus, Namah said the solution to this is to have some form of real leadership in the country and the alternate government, which is the Opposition is ready to do just that and help bring PNG out of this situation by forming a new government with new leadership with good policies.
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