PPP and New Generation Parties join Opposition

The NG Party consists of 3 Members and Mr Kimisopa pointed out this afternoon during the Opposition Press Conference that our people have spoken that they want change in the political arena and this should be recognized by the 111 leaders of Parliament.
“For this Parliament, we have sub-contracted our responsibilities as Members of Parliament and to the student movement in this country to take on the responsibilities that is clearly the Members role in solving is the wrong path and a step in the wrong direction,” said Mr Kimisopa.
“So the party has moved over to demonstrate to the people of PNG that we will not stand for such stupidity and for this mess and we don’t subscribe to the idea that when you’re in Government you have the right to break every law and do all kinds of things on the floor of Parliament, “he added.
Mr Kimisopa has also added that they have not joined to gain anything from this support but to ensure that CHANGE does occur for the sake of the people.
Leader, Don POLYE welcomed Mr Kimisopa on board the Opposition ranks and informed the media that their camp has already started with an expected growth in number over the next couple of days.
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