Oro Governor Juffa backs evictions of illegal settlers

Whilst the move by the Police was unpopular with settlement dwellers it has been widely supported by most citizens of Oro due to the settlements unsightly appearance creating filth and posing health risks to the citizens as well as a crime hub where petty crimes were growing, he said.
Many citizens of Oro travelling into Popondetta complained of pickpocketing, assault, drunkard behavior and the sale of marijuana and illicit alcohol and illegal gambling which had also recently started and the activities were becoming an eyesore to the peace loving citizens of Oro.
“These illegal activities had unnecessarily caused urban migration and the growing population of unemployed persons coming into the town giving rise to crime concerns,” he said.
The Governor has insisted that there will be no new settlements in Oro and that Oro had limited funds to take care of its citizens and was not encouraging migration of unemployed persons, criminals and vagrants into the province, he said.
Juffa said unemployed vagrants were a problem nationwide and were indicative of laziness and the handout mentality and he would not tolerate this on behalf of his people.
However, while sympathizing with the settlers, Juffa said squatters have been illegally settling on state land so it was high time they relocated to make way for development.
He said now that a developer has title over the land and is prepared to develop it, the Oro Provincial Government through its business arm Northern Resources Ltd should partner with the developer.
At no uncertain terms will any developer go into the province and carry out business without the knowledge and participation of the Provincial Government, he said.
“We are supporting genuine developers in the province and any developer including this one but we want fair employment opportunities for our local people and partnership with the host province. If developers cannot comply with our terms and conditions, they will have to pack up and leave,” he said.
He said while the Guba Market was closed for development, there should be proper and legal markets set up for vendors to do business in a transparent manner.
Juffa has called on the developer HQH Ltd to assure the people of Oro that jobs will be created for locals and that they will go into partnership with the Provincial Government in order to operate in the province.
HQH Ltd has acquired the land title in May 2011 from the Lands Department for the purpose of commercial investments.
Juffa said Popondetta town has been sitting idle for too long and it was about time new developments took place for the benefit of the Oro people.
He also commanded PPC Gerari for upholding law and order in the province and addressing eviction on illegal settlers, criminals and vagrants. Governor has warned that anyone coming into Oro must respect the law and they were not welcome if they were not gainfully employed or had a home to stay in.
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