Intending PNG Women Candidates urged to understand constitution and procedures

Papua New Guinea Women who wish to enter Parliament MUST first understand the national Constitution and Parliamentary procedures in their totality.
This is to ensure one makes a good parliamentarian, by effectively participating in policy making for the country and debating issues on the floor of Parliament.
Registrar of Political Parties Alphonse Gelu echoed this to some 50 intending women candidates for 2017, who are undergoing their training in Port Moresby starting today.
Dr Gelu said, a lot of parliamentarians both male and female don't seem to understand fully the PNG Constitutions, basic laws governing leadership and public financial management Acts, as well as simple parliamentary procedures etc.
“From our experiences, individuals who make it into parliament come from different backgrounds.
Many just don’t have any idea how our parliamentary system works, many learn as they progress during their term in parliament due to their lack of knowledge of the operations of parliament.
Many face great difficulties in their roles contributing to them making little impact while as being members of parliament.
Being a representative, there will be many demands placed on you, not only on your electorate, but from other groups in the country.
This is one area that our members of parliament need greater improvement on,” Dr Gelu said.
NBC News/Rose Amos
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