George Bopi Appointed as Acting Secretary for PNG Department of Labour and Industrial Relations

In making the announcement, the Prime Minister, Hon. Peter O’Neill CMG MP, said Mr. Bopi’s central task will be to restore leadership, discipline and direction in the department.
“The Department of Labour and Industrial Relations has been criticised for mismanaging work permits, with related allegations of nepotism, lack of accountability and control in departmental functions,” the Prime Minister said.
“There are ongoing concerns from the business community of foreign workers entering the labour market without proper scrutiny, as well as illegal foreign workers in the country.
“The department has six key programs and seven statutory offices, each with its own incomes streams through levies and fees. The operation and function of these programs and agencies will be reviewed and accountability restored.
“As our economy grows, and foreign investment in Papua New Guinea increases, we must ensure that the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations functions to a higher and more transparent level.”
George Bopi is the former Chief of Staff to the office of the Prime Minister, and has 12 years of both private and public sector Human Resources Management.
Mr. Bopi is a former PNG University of Technology academic and a private businessman.
Mr. Bopi holds a Master Degree in Human Resources Management and a Post Graduate Diploma in Management from Monash University in Australia, and a Bachelor of Education degree from University of Papua New Guinea.
The National Executive Council (NEC) suspended the Secretary for the Department of Labour and Industrial Relations, Mrs. Mary Morola, following claims relating to alleged contravention of Section 29 (3) (a) of the Public Services (management) (Employment of Department Heads) Regulation No. 7 of 2014 and her contract of employment.
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