Manase calls on Don to stop making excuses and face the people he has failed

Manase’s efforts in meeting with everyday Papua New Guineans is very different to the invisible campaign being run by incumbent Don Polye. To date Polye has still failed to meet with his people and face up to his failures.
On Thursday Manase was honoured to be joined by Prime Minister Peter O’Neill and veteran in Enga politics Sir Peter Ipatas. In front of thousands of people they spoke of their plan to deliver to the people of Kandep the services they had been denied under Don Polye’s leadership.
Polye has made it clear that he is aware that he does not have the same level of support he has had in the past. The man once called “Kandep’s favourite son” is now afraid of being seen in his home electorate.
Alfred Manase and his party the People’s National Congress are calling on the Electoral Commission that Kandep gets the chance to hold a free and fair election. Don Polye has a proven history of cheating in elections and the people deserve to know every effort is being made to stop this happening again.
“It has been humbling to meet with so many people during this election campaign. They face many hardships due to the incompetence of Don Polye but remain optimistic about their future.”
“Don continues to hide from the mess he has created here in Kandep offering weak excuses to the media for his absence. The people on the ground know the real reason he is afraid to come face his people though.”
“On Thursday Kandep got the first taste of what to expect with the new leadership a PNC government and I hope to bring them. Two veterans of PNG politics, Peter O’Neill and Sir Peter Ipatas, came together to see and understand the people of Kandep.”
“This visit was the nail in the coffin for Don Polye. Kandep got a taste of what real leaders look like and they won’t want to return to the lip service and failures of Polye after that.”
“Based on what we are seeing on the ground Don has no support left, even his most fierce supporters are leaving him. Every day it seems more likely that the only way he can win will be through the corruption, like he has in the past.”
“If Kandep is allowed to hold a free and fair election Don has no chance of winning.”
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