Parkop, Tkatckenko, Samuel, Molumi lead NCD counting

NCD | NCD REGIONAL | Progressive results after count 91
1. Powes Parkop-9988
2. Andy Bawa-4675
3. Michael Kandiu-4234
4. Baboni O. Maraga-1681
5. Mairi Homosi-1,585
Justin Tkatchenko maintains his lead as counting continues for the Moresby South electorate.
Looking at the progressive results after count number 78;
1. Justin Tkatchenko- 15, 505
2. Samson Kirilyo- 4, 607
3. Anna Skate- 3, 964
4. Nou Noel Gerea- 1, 896
5. Joel Govea Daure- 1, 169
In this count, there where a total of 29, 613 ballot papers, 1, 361 of them were informal.
Counting continues at the Kila Kila secondary school hall.
NCD | MORESBY NORTH WEST | Progressive results after count 43 | Tokarara Secondary School Ward 8
1. Lohia Boe Samuel (IND) - 4,123
2. Mekere Morauta (IND) - 3,018
3. Miria Ikupu (IND) - 1,736
4. Joseph Tonde (PONP) - 1,645
5. Russell Wavik (PPP) - 1,507
6. Michael Malabag (PNC) - 1,258
NCD Moresby North East Electorate.
As of 6:10am Progressive Results after Count 6.
Location: Korobosea Booth #4
1. Sape Molumi 374
2. Carl Okuk 208
3. John Kaupa 177
4.Vincent Dimugu 159
5. Labi Amaiu 136
6.Joetintin Saraga 127
7. Andrew Mald 125
8. John Bria 118
9. Brain Kombe 104
Counting of the first six boxes is complete.
Disclaimer: These are progressive results and subject to change anytime.
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