PNG Media Workers Association condemns attack on Journalist

“PNGMWA is very angry and we call on the Governor of Morobe to immediately sack the person(s) responsible. A high office that requires integrity such as the Office of the Governor of the Province must first learn to respect the people it serves, including Journalists who perform what is essentially a public/community service of disseminating information. Such office must employ people with integrity. NOT PEOPLE who lack understanding of their roles and whose actions are primitive and may bring the high office into disrepute.”
“Journalists play a vital role in ensuring news and events are reported for public consumption. This role is protected by the Constitution, so as the public’s right to information. Media reports are, more often than not, based on the information that is available to the Journalist at that time. If you are aggrieved by a media report, there are proper and established processes to air your grievances, including demanding retraction and/or apology and even restitution through the Courts. Furthermore, you as an aggrieved person have the right to be heard and Journalists are there to facilitate that. In fact this is possibly the most civilized and democratic way the truth can be established.”
PNGMWA therefore condemns the action by the staff from the Morobe Governor’s Office. PNGMWA also commends Mr. Kapin for reporting the matter to the Police. “We must work with the relevant authorities, including the Police to put a stop to this kind of behaviour. To this end, we demand that the Police arrest and charge the person(s) responsible. We also demand the Court to ensure the Journalist be appropriately compensated for the physical and mental harm that he has been put through.”
PNGMWA also supports the Media Statement by the PNG Media Council.
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