Work starts on Southern Highlands - Gulf Highway

Wereh told The National yesterday that connecting Southern Highlands and Gulf was one of the country’s major missing links and was also a key access route that the government was committed to deliver.
“It is very important for our people and the country to know that the Southern Highlands-Gulf Highway is a reality now,” he said.
“The first section of the highway from Walum Junction to Yalo is already being sealed and the contractors are currently building and sealing the road from Yalo to Kagua station.”
Wereh said tenders for construction and sealing works from Kagua station to Erave would be out shortly and contractors would be engaged to continue the work from Kagua station to Erave and all the way to Simbriki.
“From Simbriki, it will go all the way to Kikori, Gulf and link up with the Maghi Highway so people can travel to Port Moresby.”
Wereh said despite the tough financial situation facing the country and the government, smart and efficient management of limited resources available “through commitment, love and passion for work” was crucial to deliver services to the people.
“We are not only concentrating on construction work but are conscious of the quality of work contractors are doing and we are engaging them on a performance basis,” Wereh said.
“They will have to prove to us that they are doing quality work for us to engage them or otherwise we will get rid of them and engage other contractors who can do the job that’s worth the money we pay them.”
Picture: Left; Works Secretary, Mr David Wereh and (right) Works Minister Nali
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