Papua New Guinea's Ox & Palm hits Fijian shelves

Steve Woods, National Head of Sales and Marketing for Kraft Heinz Hugo Canning said that “After several visits to Fiji this year to meet with potential wholesalers and retailers and as well as with the responsible Fiji government departments, we are pleased to be able to confirm that PNG’s Ox & Palm Corned Beef is available to consumers in Fiji”.
“It what has been a long process, and with the full approval of the Biosecurity Authority of Fiji (BAF) and our trading partners Morris Hedstorm Supermarkets, the first container of Ox & Palm arrived in Fiji and is available on shelves last month.”
The success in Fiji now means that Ox & Palm from PNG is now available in three countries around Pacific Region (Solomon Island, Vanuatu, and Fiji).
Betty Mumbru, import and export manager for Kraft Heinz Hugo Canning also added “We are always proud to be able market our PNG Business Product outside PNG. It is a great moment for PNG Business and for PNG People in general”.
“We are also continuing our plans to expand the brand throughout the Pacific region and we hope to make our products available in Tonga and Samoa in 2019”.
“We would also like to show our gratitude to Carpenters Fiji Limited who through their Morris Hedstorm Supermarket group, will partner up with Kraft Heinz Hugo Canning to distribute OX&PALM through their 13 stores in FIJI," Betty add.
The entry of Ox & Palm into the Fijian market signals a good sign of improved relations not only in the business fronts but also on government regulatory front since 2016 when the product was subject to a trade row between the governments of both Melanesian countries.
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