Political Party Stability Vital : Manase
PNC Party member and Kandep MP Hon. Alfred L. Manase wasted no time to organise a hand-over take-over ceremoney straight after his decommissioning as a Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations.
Mr. Manase said Political Party Stability is paramount in any government. He said he can not undermine his Political Party that got him elected in 2017 and move around just for the sake of Ministry or job contracts.
Mr. Manase said he was dicomissioned by the Prime Minister simply because of his loyalty to form a strong stability in PNC party. That is simply better than getting sacked due to non-performance.
The Prime Minister made a very challenging, yet weakest decision to decomission most performing Ministers which will soon bring instability in his government.
The workers at the Labour department, unions representatives and partners congradulated Manase for championing the policy improvments and other functions within the last 5 months as the Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations.
Manase said he is still in the government and will keep working hard to develop this beautiful country in what ever ways he can.
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Mr. Manase said he was dicomissioned by the Prime Minister simply because of his loyalty to form a strong stability in PNC party. That is simply better than getting sacked due to non-performance.
The Prime Minister made a very challenging, yet weakest decision to decomission most performing Ministers which will soon bring instability in his government.
The workers at the Labour department, unions representatives and partners congradulated Manase for championing the policy improvments and other functions within the last 5 months as the Minister for Labour and Industrial Relations.
Manase said he is still in the government and will keep working hard to develop this beautiful country in what ever ways he can.
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